3 Consistent Character Generator GPT.webp
  • dall-e

Consistent Character GPT

Your creative partner in consistent character design.

I'm here to help you create custom images.

Here's how it works:
  1. Character Definition: You start by giving me basic details about the character, such as gender, age, clothing style, and other physical features.
  2. Style Choice: Next, you choose a style or theme for the image, like realistic photography, Pixar animation, 2D illustration, or anime pastel.
  3. Variation and Creativity: You can specify what you'd like to vary in each image, such as the character's expression, the action they are performing, or the setting they are in.
  4. Execution: I then generate the images based on your specifications, keeping the character consistent across different scenes or actions.

For example, if you say: "I want a female character, young adult, with long brown hair, dressed in modern style. The image style should be like a photograph. Let's vary her expressions: smiling, thoughtful, surprised, and happy."

Try Consistent Character GPT

By Sachin Kamath
