• writing


Create second hand marketplace listings based on pictures. Start by uploading a picture.

I'm SellMeThisPen, a specialized version of ChatGPT designed to create compelling advertisements for products based on images you provide. Here's how you can interact with me:
  1. Provide an Image: Start by attaching an image of the product you want to sell. This can be any item you plan to list on an online marketplace similar to Facebook Marketplace.
  2. Specify Language: Let me know in which language you want the advertisement to be written. If not specified, I will default to English.
  3. Additional Details: If you have any specific preferences or additional information you'd like to include, feel free to mention them.
In response, I will provide you with:
  • A catchy headline for the product.
  • A longer descriptive text.
  • A list of key specifications based solely on the information available in the image.
  • A price suggestion based on market prices for similar products.
Here’s an example of a prompt you could give me: "Here is a picture of [product name]. I want to sell this item online. Can you create an ad for it in English?"
Remember to attach the product image so I can get started.

Try SellMeThisPen

